The restaurant is located next to the renowned family restaurant Taverna Sergio. Its rustic style interior with a fireplace dating from 1700 and wood covered ceiling, create a specially pleasant atmosphere.
As a result of its twenty-year-old tradition and experience, the restaurant offers autochthonous Istrian specialties: famed Istrian prosciutto, sheep and goat cheese, variety of thick soups maneštre, scrambled eggs fritaje with prosciutto and asparagus, pasta with highly prized truffles, venison or meat sauce, and other culinary delicacies worth mentioning such as: various seafood specialties with freshly caught wild fish (gilthead, sea bass, dentex, common pandora, sea bream, frogfish…), crustaceans (spider crabs, lobsters…), mollusks (squid, cuttlefish, octopus…) and clams (oysters, mussels, wart Venus, scallops…). It is truly hard to resist such a great variety of offer.
The restaurant has a seating capacity of 40 and in front of it is the already mentioned botanical terrace with 60 seating places.
While putting together our wine list we were guided by the assortment and quality of offered dishes, always keeping in mind the fact that the food and wine have to complement each other in smell and flavor, forming a perfect whole. Each specialty has to be paired with one or more wines on the wine list.
The wine list is based on the needs, desires and habits of guests, as well as the geographical origin of wines, which mostly originate from the Istrian winegrowing region.